On December 15, 2020, the 27th meeting of the Interstate coordinating council for scientific and technical information (SICCSTI) was held by video conference in the office of the CIS Executive committee in Moscow.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the ICSSTI member states of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Republic of Moldova, a representative of the CIS Executive committee, a representative of the base organization of the CIS member states on interstate exchange of scientific and technical information of the All-Russian institute of Scientific and technical information of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The meeting was attended by the Deputy director of the State institution “National center for patents and information” of the Ministry of economic development and trade of the Republic of Tajikistan – Solehzoda Suhrob Hakim and the Head deputy of the Department of scientific, technical and patent information – Miraliev Kiyomiddin Khursandovich.

The meeting was opened by the representative of the CIS Executive committee Mansurov Timur Tilloevich.

At the meeting a number of issues of cooperation in the field of scientific and technical information in the CIS were discussed, including:

– Proposals on overcoming the negative consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in various sectors of the economy of the CIS member states;

– On the state of affairs in the field of scientific and technical information of the CIS member states – members of the SICCSTI   and the implementation of the Action plan for the third phase (2016-2020) of the CIS Economic development strategy for the period up to 2020 in the field of scientific and technical information;

– On the implementation of the Concept of establishment of the Bank of patents and innovation of the CIS, approved by the Council of Heads of Government on May 31, 2013;

– On the status of the WEB-network of the CIS and the status of the CIS portal “Information on innovative activities of the CIS member states.”

Оf all the material and natural resources abundant in our Motherland, the most priceless and important is the intellectual potential of our society