On July 23 of this year, in the Hall of the State Institution “National Center for Patents and Information ” of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan, under the chairmanship of the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan Mr Abdurahmon Abdurakhmonzoda ,and with the participate of the administration of the State Institution “National Center for Patents and Information “, officials of the Ministry of Education and the science of Tajikistan, the National Academy of Sciences Tajikistan, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences Tajikistan and other ministries and departments of the Republic of Tajikistan was held a ceremony of awarding the winners of the competition “The Best Inventor of Tajikistan” for 2019-2020.
It should be noted that every two years the department holds a republican competition “The Best Inventor of Tajikistan” in the framework of the “Day of Inventors and Innovators of the Republic of Tajikistan” and” The International Day of Intellectual Property – on April 26″.
In accordance with the instructions of the Founder of peace and national unity – the Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Emomali Rakhmon in the message to the Majlisi Oli in order to attract talented people to innovation and inventiveness, propaganda and promotion of young inventors on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan was held Republican contest “The best inventor of Tajikistan for 2019-2020”.
This contest is held for 13th time. This year the acceptance of applications began on January 2 and ended on March 19 of this year. By the deadline, 51 inventors presented 177 inventions to participate in the competition, and the documents were transferred to the Competition Commission.
By decision of the Competition Commission, a teacher of Technical University Tajikistan Ms Gaybulloeva Zumrat Habibovna was awarded the Gold Medal of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) as the best inventor of Tajikistan in 2019-2020. Ms Gaybulloeva Zumrat Habibovna, is the owner of 7 petty patents, 1 Eurasian patent, 4 Eurasian applications for the invention.
By decision of the Competition Commission, Mr Bahriev Suhbatjon Husseynovich was awarded the highest award of the Eurasian Patent Organization – the Gold Medal named after V.I. Blinnikov “For contribution to the inventive and patent activity” as the best inventor of Tajikistan in 2019-2020. Mr Bahriev Suhbatjon Husseynovich – is owner of 1 patent, 15 petty patents, 2 Eurasian patents.
By decision of the Competition Commission, three inventors were awarded the highest award of the State Institution “National Center for Patents and Information” of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan “Sign of Honor of the NCPI”.
1). Mr Muhiddinov Zayniddin Kamarovich – Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Researcher at the Institute of Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan. Mr Muhiddinov Zayniddin Kamarovich has 12 tittles of protection, 2 Eurasian applications for the invention, 11 publishes articles and 360 scientific papers;
2). Mr Mirojov Giyosudin Kudbudinovich – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, Hepatologist and Gastroenterologist of the Institute of Gastroenterology of the Republic of Tajikistan. Mr Mirojov Giyosudin Kudbudinovich has 20 tittles of protection, 6 monographs and more than 400 scientific articles;
3). Mr Bazarov Negmat Ismailovich – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali Ibn Sino. Mr Bazarov Negmat Ismailovich holder 7 tittles of protection, 6 monographs and 400 scientific articles.
By decision of the the Competition Commission, three inventors were awarded a premium of the State Institution “National Center for Patents and Information ” of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan “Sign of the NCPI”:
1). Mr Nurailyev Lukmon Yusufovich – Head of the Department of Pathological Physiology of the Tajik State Medical University. Abuali Ibn Sino, an endocrinologist of the Department of Diabetes Medical and Health Supplement Complex “Istiklol”. Mr Nuraliev Lukmon Yusufovich is the owner 1 Eurasian patent, 7 articles, 5 abstracts and 1 books;
2). Mr Samihov Shonavruz Rakhimovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Technology of Chemical Production of the Tajik National University. Mr Samihov Shonavruz Rakhimovich has 10 tittles of protection , 3 textbooks, 3 monographs, 250 scientific articles, 5 teacher materials;
3).Mr Shamsiddinov Jumaboy – Engineer, employee of the branch of the Institute of Agriculture of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences Tajikistan. Mr Shamsddinov Jumboy owns one tittles of protection and one Eurasian patent.
Also, by decision of the Competition Commission, four inventors were awarded “diplomas” of the first, second, third degree. Applicants – Holders as well as other participants were awarded diplomas and souvenirs.
It should be noted that during 30 years of state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan, a number of inventors of the country were awarded domestic and international awards for a valuable contribution to the invention and innovation activity.
– 23 inventors of the Republic of Tajikistan were awarded gold medals of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO);
– 4 inventors were awarded the gold medals of the Eurasian patent organization V.I. Blinnikov (“For the contribution to the inventive and patent activity”);
– 30 inventors of the Republic of Tajikistan were awarded honorary acquaintances of the SI NCPI» -of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan.
At the international exhibition “Women’s inventors of the world”, which is held annually in the city of Seoul, South Korea, the office submitted 47 inventions of 37 women inventors of the country, which were awarded 18 gold medals, including 2 gold medals of the World Intellectual Property Organization, 3. Gold Medals of Association of Inventors of the People’s Republic of China, Thailand and Germany, 18 silver and 13 bronze medals, as well as 2 Grand Prix of the Association of Inventors of the Republic of South Korea and the Republic of Thailand, 1- Republic of Uzbekistan, 1- Republic of Thailand, Islamic Republic of Iran and 1 – Special award of Indonesia for the best woman inventor.
Using the capabilities provided by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, scientific and industrial institutions, private companies, scientists and inventors should regularly implement the results of scientific work in production, new discoveries, inventions and innovation in technologies.
The modern world of industry and production requires the latest technologies. That is why we need to create new inventions that keep up with the times.
The State Institution “National Center for Patents and Information ” of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade in order to implement the government’s policy, the further development of the national industrial property system, the mechanisms for the implementation of intellectual capital, the creation of infrastructure, methods of stimulation, creating a legal basis for the commercialization of intellectual property and innovative processes in the framework of the implementation of the plan of state events is scheduled for specific activities that will be carried out on a regular basis.