On June 9-10 of this year, in Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, the 15th session of the Eurasian Legal Congress “Internationalization of legal science and education” was held, which was attended by the First Deputy Director of the State Institution “National Center for Patents and Information” of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan Shavkat Valizoda.

 More than 700 representatives of various professions from the countries of the region took part in this event.

The topics of the congress were mainly focused on strengthening and developing legal relations, including in the field of intellectual property. In this regard, those present exchanged views on various aspects of these issues.

It should be noted that the President of the Eurasian Patent Office Grigory Ivliev also took part in this meeting with the speech.

During the event, Shavkat Valizoda had fruitful conversations with representatives of various professions, participants of this event.

The participation of a representative of our Patent Office in such a high level event contributes to the development of regulation of legal relations in the intellectual property system.

Оf all the material and natural resources abundant in our Motherland, the most priceless and important is the intellectual potential of our society