On June 24 of this year, a solemn event dedicated to the Day of National Unity was held at the state institution “National Center for Patents and Information” of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan with the participation of the management and employees of the Office.
The event began with the sound of the national anthem, then the director of the Office Mr. Mirzo Ismoilzoda congratulated those present on this sacred and fateful holiday of the Tajik nation and spoke about the contribution of the Leader of the nation to strengthening peace and tranquility in Tajikistan.
It was noted that the peace is the highest good in a person’s life, his aspiration, the strengthening of the state, the salvation of the nation, the flourishing of an era, the existence of man at all times. Only with unity will difficulties and obstacles be overcome, people’s lives will improve, and our beloved country will embark on the path of progress and development. This historic and fateful day for the Tajik people came thanks to the efforts of the Founder of peace and national unity – the Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon who brought together the confused nation. The country prospered, and today the face of every Tajik child shows joy, unity and peace.